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This statement on the use of cookies and interest-based advertising (IBA) supplements our privacy statement and specifically explains how we and our third-party business partners use cookies and other tracking technologies, including IBA, and the choices we give you to control them.
Cookies and tracking technologies are widely used to remember you and your preferences and understand how you interact with us so that we can perform essential functions, like providing services or delivering content and enabling users to register and log in, personalizing our services and content, and ensuring a quality, consistent and efficient experience for our users.
These technologies are also used to analyze your use of our services and interaction with content (including emails), and to deliver and measure advertising (including IBA).
may also see a “cookies” warning banner appear on our platform when you open it in your browser, which allows you to manage cookies.
Please be aware that some features of our services may not function properly if you disable all cookies or other technologies.